3 december 2017 kl 19:56
Det vil alltid komme mistanker om doping når en europeer løper så snabbt. Her er kommentaren til treneren hans, Renato Canova, på Letsrun.com: "In training, I already saw the potentiality for running 2:06, but what surprised also myself today is the interpretation of the race, and the personality he showed, attacking after 30 km, with 29’16” between 30 and 40 km and the last 2.195m still faster (for an average of 2’55” per km in the last 12.195m)…I hope that this results, instead being considered connected with some doping, can bring people to think that the limits we put in our mind about the clean performances are not real, and depend not from the doping of the other athletes, but on the fact that NOBODY WANTS TO DO A CLEAR CHOICE OF LIFE DEDICATED AT THE ATHLETICS FOR A SHORT PART OF HIS LIFE, something Sondre did full time this year, with 223 days (till Fukuoka) in altitude, the most part alone, having focus in training, eating and resting only.”
Canova kommer til å legge ut alle treningsøktene til Sondre fram mot rekordløpet på Letsrun.com i løpet av kort tid.