26 maj 2014 kl 19:36
Redigerad 26 maj 2014 kl 19:37
Måste tyvärr säga att dom inte verkar ha någon aning om problemet då jag kontaktat dom men tyvärr fått nedanstående svar och problemet är kvar.
Dock måste det vara hos dom som felet är då vi är flera som råkar ut fär samma sak och jag har försökt logga in på andra datorer och med andra konton men inget hjälper:
Svar från Nike:
Recently you requested personal assistance from Nike.com. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
Nikeplus.com - Dashboard and Activity
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Kacper) 26/05/2014 01.37 PM
Hi Michael,
"It's great to hear from a fellow user of the Nike+ SportWatch GPS. I understand that the running details of your Nike+ SportWatch are not displayed correctly in your Nike+ account. Allow me to get this sorted for you, so you can get back to monitoring your running performance!
Michael, I looked into your Nike+ account, and it seems that your running totals were not up-to-date. I have just refreshed your records and updated your Nike+ account. Please clear cache and cookies of your Internet browser by following the steps offered on this web site:
http://bit.ly/1jD85EF. Then, please log back into your Nike+ account and check, if your running data are all correct. Please get back to me with the outcome of your situation and let me know, if you have any further queries!"