2 juni 2016 kl 21:33
Eftersom du inte lyssnar på din kropp utan istället följer ett träningsprogram är du garanterad en rejäl stressfraktur som eventuellt gör det omöjligt för dig att någonsin springa igen. Jag köpte mina skor av en kille som skulle in och få en ny höftkula. Efter det kan du i bästa fall ta långa promenader.
Printa Joel Friel's "5 Fundamentals of training" och sätt upp på kylskåpet.
http://www.joefrielsblog.com/2012/12/five-fundamentals-of-training.html Läs punkt fem "Recovery" några extra gånger:
If you employ an appropriate training load you will frequently need to reduce the stress of training in order for your body to recover and adapt.
Continued stress without rest eventually results in a breakdown of some sort – overtraining, illness, injury, or mental burnout. How often you recover and what exactly you do to enhance recovery is an individual matter.
Some athletes recover quickly, others slowly. Some recover with light exercise; others need a day off. So there is no set pattern that all of us should follow. For some the best plan is to have no plan – recovery on demand.
Recover when your body says it’s time and until it’s ready to go again.
Unfortunately, many athletes are extremely poor at listening to their bodies and are likely to disregard the common indicators of fatigue thus pressing ahead in order to get their weekly miles number in the training log. These folks need a plan for when to rest.
Such a plan should include weekly, monthly, and annual rest periods.