19 augusti 2011 kl 18:43
When I complete a long-run trainng session dvs 2.5-3 hours, I (temporarily) feel like I am getting the flu; after a shower and rehydration, I go to bed for 1-2 hours (if family circunmstances permit!).
VARFÖR? My colleague, a consultant physician, says this "pain" as you call it , is due to muscle fatigue, stress, dehydration, lactic acid etc - many factors mentioned by previous contributors. (He also says that marathon training and runninig is "non-physiological" but I chose to ignore that....). I am a microbiologist; In my research, we have also measured higher serum cytokine levels in people who simply go the the gym before work, compared to non-exercising people. This is not "bad"; it just means exercise tends to put the immune system on alert.
I don't believe the pain symptoms are directtly related to the window of increased susceptibility to infections mentioned by other bloggers; and I also think that increaseed susceptibility is more related to a prolonged training regime that depletes "white cells" of the immune system. There is evidence from the USA that this can be partly compensated by increased intake of micronutrients and trace elements.
Bottom line; ignore the soreness, or manage it by being kind to yourself; if training for 12-16 weeks for t.ex. a marathon, watch your iron, vitamins, and rehydration. But if in *real* pain, stop and call the doctor!