Athens Authentic Marathon

  1. The Athens Marathon, the Authentic Marathon, is not just a sporting event, a hard race, a tough course of 42,195m. More than that, the Athens Marathon, the Authentic Marathon, is a bridge that unifies the legend with history; it showcases the strength of human will; it is a fountain of values, of social liability, environmental sensitivity, friendship and solidarity.

  2. Löpning
  3. 42,2 km
  4. 12 november 2017
  5. SEGAS, Hellenic Athletics Federation
  7. 100% asfalt
  8. Marathon - Aten, Grekland
  9. Michael Tsiparis, Hjärup
  10. Totalt har 8 medlemmar registrerat resultat för Athens Authentic Marathon.


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Medlemmars resultat

  Namn   Tid  Snitt
1 Christer Olsson 4:22:44 6:10
2 Henrik Egerbo 4:27:14 6:20


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