11 mars 2008 kl 20:33
Sanningen är väl den att de vill sälja skor som inte främjar en korrekt löpteknik. Ett citat ur Gordon Piries bok (http://www.gordonpirie.com/) kanske kan vara på sin plats för att belysa situationen.
"Most running shoes today are designed and constructed in such a manner as to make correct technique impossible (and therefore cause chronic injuries to the people who wear them). It is a common misconception that a runner should land on his or her heels and then roll forward to the front of the foot with each stride. In designing their shoes, most shoe companies fall prey to this incorrect assumption. The result is that running shoes get larger and clumsier every year. Far from protecting runners, these shoes actually limit the runner´s ability to run properly, and as a result may contribute to the injury epidemic."